Online Resources

University of Delhi

Creating Online Learning Materials

Strengthening and Expanding Internationalisation Culture at the Delhi University

Savitribai Phule Pune University

Strengthening and Expanding Internationalisation Culture at Savitribai Phule Pune University

Goa University

Internationalisation of Curriculum

Strengthening and Expanding Internationalisation Culture at Goa University

Jawaharlal Nehru University

Strengthening and Expanding Internationalisation Culture at Jawaharlal Nehru University

Internationalisation of Curriculum and Global Ranking

University of Calcutta

Plan for Internationalisation, University of Calcutta

Strengthening and Expanding Internationalisation Culture at the University of Calcutta

GD Goenka University

Internationalization of Curriculum: Why and What for?

Strengthening and Expanding Internationalisation Culture at GD Goenka University

Jagran Lakecity University

Internationalization of Curriculum

Internationalization at Jagran Lakecity University – A Way Forward

Strengthening and Expanding Internationalisation Culture at Jagran Lakecity University

Adamas University

Creating Online Learning Resources

Internationalisation of Higher Education in India

Strengthening and Expanding Internationalisation Culture at Adamas University

Manipal Academy of Higher Education

Internationalisation of Curriculum: Competency Based Curriculum

IIS (Deemed to be University)

Institution reflection on Comprehensive Internationalisation

Strengthening and Expanding Internationalisation Culture at IIS (Deemed to be University)

Contributing to Capacity Building of Human Resources: Massive Open Online Course on Student Learning Guides

IIS MOOC on Students’ Learning Guide (8 Modules/47 Videos)

Introduction SLG a significant step to OBE

SLG Capacity building & Training of teachers & students

Explaining the WHAT of SLG

Explaining the WHY of SLG

NEP Vision

SLG vis-à-vis NEP

Steps of Designing a degree programme

Social and professional needs in Designing a degree programme

Degree profile with Competencies and Outcomes and creating a Meta profile

Structure and length of a degree programme

Consistency and Quality assurance in a degree programme

Other relevant aspects in designing a degree programme

SLG - Introduction to the Course 1

SLG - Introduction to the Course 2

SLG - Introduction to the Course 3

SLG - Introduction to the Course 4

SLG - Introduction to the Course 5

SLG - Introduction to the Course 6

SLG - Introduction to the Course 7

SLG - Introduction to the Course 8

SLG - Student Work Plan

SLG - Student Work Plan- Competences

SLG - Student Work Plan : Activities & Resources

SLG - Student Work Plan : Activities & Resources 2

SLG - Student Work Plan : Estimated Work Plan

SLG - Student Work Plan : Submission Deadlines

SLG: Structure

SLG: Assessment

Linking LOs and Assessment

Assessment Tools

Rubrics: Concept

Rubrics: Structure

SLG - Case Study - Insurance

SLG - Case Study : Data Analysis using Spreadsheets Part-1

SLG - Case Study : Data Analysis using Spreadsheets Part-2

SLG - Case Study- Perspectives in Mental Health Part 1

SLG - Case Study- Perspectives in Mental Health Part 2

SLG - Case Study: Foreign Exchange Management Part 1

SLG - Case Study: Foreign Exchange Management Part 2

SLG - Case Study: Foreign Exchange Management Part 3

SLG - Case Study: Foreign Exchange Management Part 4

SLG - Case Study: Foreign Exchange Management Part 5

SLG - Case Study: Foreign Exchange Management Part 6

SLG - Case Study

SLG - Case Study: Learning and Teaching Part 1

SLG - Case Study: Learning and Teaching Part 2

SLG - Case Study: Learning and Teaching Part 3

MIT Art Design and Technology University

Strengthening and Expanding Internationalisation Culture at MIT Art Design and Technology University

Rubrics to Assess Quality of Online Learning Material

Creating Online Learning Materials

International Process - Student Mobility

International Process - Faculty Mobility

St. Aloysius (Deemed to be University)

Resources for Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions in India

Strengthening and Expanding Internationalisation Culture at St Aloysius College

Ramaiah College of Law

Internationalization at Home (Vodcast)

Strengthening and Expanding Internationalisation Culture at Ramaiah College of Law