RISHII at a glance

RISHII – Resources for Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions in India

Internationalisation of Curriculum (IoC)

An EU Strategy on India signed 20 Nov 2018 reiterates the need to work with India on internationally recognizable degrees – to focus on Internationalisation of Curriculum (IoC).

RISHII focuses on management approaches and modus operandi necessary to plan and implement curriculum internationalisation. The focus is on improving communication and collaboration between the different agents (who should be) involved in curriculum internationalisation. Through adopting the tools and procedures proposed by RISHII, Indian Higher Education Institutions will be able to significantly improve their management and operation.

RISHII focuses on equipping project participants with skills in strategic planning and globally open pedagogy. It works on common needs of all Higher Education (HE) programmes and chose to work with diverse programmes exactly to help Indian Partners see that Curriculum Internationalisation principles are generic, applicable to any area of studies and, therefore, once mastered can be cascaded to ALL programmes offered by a Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).

Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions


Internationalisation is at the heart for RISHII as its name itself clearly indicates – Resources for Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions in India. RISHII General Objective and its 4 Specific Objectives address the task of helping Indian Partners achieve Curriculum Internationalisation – Internationalisation-FOR-ALL. RISHII focuses on developing tools, resources, procedures and mechanisms necessary to plan curriculum internationalisation actions well and implement the actions planned.


Capacity Building In Human Resources

RISHII focuses on training on Internationalisation of Curriculum (IoC) for both faculty and non-academic staff. RISHII trains two Levels of Internationalisation of Curriculum (IoC) Champions:

  1. RISHII participants will become Level 2 Advanced IoC Champions – able to plan for and implement IoC, and also to encourage others to do the same through providing Continuous Professional Development activities on IoC.
  2. Those who will attend RISHII IoC Workshops will become Level 1 IoC Champions – able to plan for and implement IoC themselves (but not yet to provide Continuous Professional on IoC).

Institutional Internationalisation Teams (IITS)

Moreover, RISHII brings faculty and non-academic staff together in Institutional Internationalisation Teams (IITs) and pays special attention to team-building and to developing the capacity to work together towards achieving Curriculum Internationalisation.

These newly constituted and trained IITs will:

  • act as catalysts for improving management and operation of HEIs
  • become champions of internationalisation at their institutions
  • involve all university actors in developing strategic continuous curriculum internationalisation plans
  • be trained and provide professional development to different groups of university staff (human resources development)
  • ensure Internationalisation-FOR-ALL in pilot programmes, thus contributing to equity and democratisation of Indian higher education programmes in Partner Institutions
  • disseminate project outcomes and outputs, opening them up to all Indian higher education institutions from semester 2 of the project – first at regional and then at national level
  • complement each other, joining efforts to help both project partner institutions and other Indian higher education institutions benefit from the joint expertise of ALL RISHII participants (and not only from the expertise of the “local” IIT.

Capacity Building In Strategic Planning

RISHII works with Indian Partners on developing their own institutional Strategic Plans for Curriculum Internationalisation.

RISHII helps Indian Partners to introduce Strategic planning for Curriculum Internationalisation, so as to ensure that all HEIs’ actors work together, develop ownership of the process and, thus, create a culture of internationalisation at own institutions. By the end of RISHII each Indian Partner Institution will have considerably improved its institutional capacity for strategic planning.

Equity And Democratisation Of Higher Education

Focus on Curriculum Internationalisation permits to contribute to the CBHE goals of achieving equity and democratisation.

Curriculum Internationalisation is the only form of internationalisation activities that ensures that EVERY student who joins a higher education programme benefits from internationalisation efforts. It is Internationalisation-FOR-ALL, regardless their caste or financial means or socio-economic capital more generally.