Strategic Lines
Capacity building in curriculum internationalisation is structured around 4 transversal Curriculum Internationalisation Strategic Lines (SLs):
- Internationalisation of curriculum – why and what for?
- Profiles of Global Professionals and Citizens
- Internationally Open Teaching and Learning
- Globally-recognised innovation in assessment practices
- what Curriculum Internationalisation is (and what it is not);
- benefits and challenges of Curriculum Internationalisation, Internationalisation-FOR-ALL;
- Curriculum Internationalisation and Competence-Based student-centred HE;
- Curriculum Internationalisation and employability;
- Curriculum Internationalisation and global citizenship;
- agents of Curriculum Internationalisation and their roles
- competences and learning outcomes;
- stakeholders and reference points for identifying internationalized degree profiles;
- formulating internationally relevant degree profiles in terms of competences and learning outcomes;
- formulation of intended learning outcomes;
- ways to keep degree profiles internationalised and relevant
- internationalisation of courses/modules;
- teaching and learning activities for internationalised programmes;
- active global learning;
- intercultural teaching;
- alignment of teaching and learning with intended global learning outcomes
- innovative assessment practices crucial for successful implementation of internationalised curricula;
- assessment of global competences;
- assessment of global learning outcomes;
- assessment for learning
For each of these 4 lines, project participants:
- Step 1: undergo an intensive training (Training Seminars),
- Step 2: design professional development workshops of their own,
- Step 3: run these workshops at own institution, 1st for own programmes and then for other programmes + at regional level for staff from other Indian HEIs
- Step 4: develop a section of Strategic Curriculum Internationalisation Plan (for after the project lifetime
- Step 5: develop Online Resources
RISHII is organised in 6 SEMESTERS.
The beginning of each semester coincides with a General Meeting (GM), which is a MILESTONE: MILESTONE 1: GM1, MILESTONE 2: GM2, MILESTONE 3: GM3, MILESTONE 4: GM4, MILSTONE 5: GM5.
Work between Milestones is organised as follows:
- Semester 1 – work on SL1 (Steps 1-4): starts with General Meeting 1, where Training Seminar 1 is held; continues through developing workshops on SL1 and running these at own institution, developing a draft of the respective section of Continuous Internationalisation Plan, and culminates in running the workshops developed at Regional level in the framework of General Meeting 2 (next GM).
- Semester 2 – work on SL 2 (Steps 1-4): same order
- Semester 3 – work on SL 3 (Steps 1-4): same order
- Semester 4 – work on SL 4 (Steps 1-4): same order
- Semester 5 project participants focus on Step 5 for the 4 SLs: start with General Meeting 5 and its Seminar and end with launching Online Resources.
- Semester 6, comes a series of dissemination activities
WORKING METHODOLOGY is built on principles of ACTIVE and TRANSFORMATIVE adult learning. 3 major aspects are:
- learning through doing and through teaching -participants develop and run workshops to “teach” others about different aspects of Curriculum Internationalisation, which helps them to truly learn about these aspects themselves
- peer-learning (participants work in small groups during Training Seminars, work in Institutional Internationalisation Teams (IITs) on project-related tasks between Trainings, give and receive peer-feedback on their work via RISHII Online Platform and through Workshop Evaluation forms
- structured reflection or reflective practice -using the Internationally Open Teaching Rubric and the different tools of the Quality Assurance WP, participants are invited to reflect on own behaviour, learning, next developmental steps. Such tasks are conducted individually and as small-group discussions, both during Training Seminars and between them, in which case the results are recorded on the Online Platform.
In terms of target groups and their needs, the common elements for all the 14 Indian Partner Institutions are as follows:
- internationalised curricula and recognition
- academics who know how to update and implement such curricula
- training in designing and implementing internationalised curricula
- means to collaborate with non-academic staff involved in Curriculum Internationalisation
- mechanisms to be involved in institution-wide strategic planning for Curriculum Internationalisation
- tools, resources and mechanisms to engage more faculty in own and other programmes in Curriculum Internationalisation
- at least basic training on Curriculum Internationalisation
- tools and mechanisms to engage faculty in Curriculum Internationalisation and in joint collaboration on Curriculum Internationalisation
- mechanisms to involve different actors in institution-wide strategic planning for Curriculum Internationalisation
- at least basic training on Curriculum Internationalisation
- mechanisms to be involved in institution-wide strategic planning for Curriculum Internationalisation
- critical mass of academic and non-academic staff trained and engaged in Curriculum Internationalisation
- Level 2 Advanced Curriculum Internationalisation Champions and
- Level 1 Curriculum Internationalisation Champions.
The most appropriate activities and methodology required to achieve the proposed results are at the heart of RISHII design:
- involvement of all the necessary actors – decision makers and academics
- cascading effect created by project activities
- flexibility of project activities and methodology
- continuous engagement with project activities
- both faculty and non-academic staff are involved and
- the project activities and methodology ensure that academic community representatives will work together with the institutional authorities and jointly plan for and implement CI.