RISHII - Third General Meeting and Second Training Seminar

RISHII - Third General Meeting and Second Training Seminar

Part 1 of the Second Training Seminar for Curriculum Internationalisation Champions (Internationalised degree profiles – Global Competences and Learning Outcomes) took place online on 23rd November 2021 and it as focused on the mechanisms for formulating internationally relevant degree profiles in terms of competences and learning outcomes.

The meeting, with more than 60 attendees, contributed towards the introduction of notions of Global Competences and Meta-Profiles based on data collected globally and make clear the need to align all the efforts in order to help students become global professionals and citizens.

RISHII - Third General Meeting and Second Training Seminar

RISHII - Third General Meeting and Second Training Seminar

RISHII - Third General Meeting and Second Training Seminar

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